The Portland Bureau of Transportation is pleased to announce the 2019 Portland Traffic and Transportation Class: The New Evolution, led by Thuy Tu, a dynamic consultant and educator with over 20 years of experience as a Senior Transportation Planner and Civil Engineering Project Manager.

The course will weave together transportation topics as they intersect with land use, mobility, social justice and racial equality. The 10-week course will feature guest speakers from community-based organizations and the transportation industry, as well as address themes such as Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; Livability and Affordability; and Community Engagement. The course is designed for transportation enthusiasts to learn about evolving mobility and transportation opportunities in the city.

As an affiliate of the Portland Downtown Neighborhood Association, I’m writing to ask you to share this announcement with your network.

The class is open to Portland residents, with a cap of 30 students who will be selected by a random lottery to participate. Full scholarships are available for the 10-week course, which begins October 3rd, and meets Thursday nights from 6:40-8:40 p.m. at Portland State University (PSU). Classes will be live-streamed for participants who might otherwise not be able to attend in person on the PSU campus in downtown Portland. Anyone is welcome to watch the courses remotely using the website link below.

To learn more, please visit:

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