Dear Portland Neighborhood Association chairs:
The Board of Directors of the Portland Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) has decided to endorse the May homelessness ballot measure 26-210. Our association represents over 700 people from Portland’s downtown. Because our members have stated emphatically that homelessness is their #1 priority, the DNA held a forum last November, involving over 200 downtowners, which set in motion a plan to mitigate homelessness in downtown Portland.
The DNA Board believes that the urgency of the homelessness crisis makes delay unacceptable, even at a time of economic uncertainty. Taxpayers have already stepped forward to fund two initiatives to expand housing, but this takes time. In the meantime mental health and addiction services and renter relief are essential to address the current crisis and respond to the possibility of thousands more metro area residents losing their livelihood and housing.
When the homelessness ballot initiative was announced, we provided DNA members with facts and information from Here Together, the measure’s sponsor, and asked downtowners to send us tough questions about the ballot measure. From the responses we put together 16 challenging questions. The questions and Here Together’s answers were then sent out to our members in the form of a Q and A document. We asked them to respond with a yes or no on whether the DNA should endorse the ballot measure. 86.6% responded to the poll with a yes.
Below is a link to the Q and A document we sent to our members. It is not downtown specific, and we would be happy if you wanted to share it with your membership.
Best wishes to you and all your members in these challenging times.
Portland Downtown Neighborhood Association Board of Directors
Walter Weyler, Chair
Wendy Rahm, Vice Chair
Natasha Voloshina
Kevin Cornelius
John Czarnecki
Darlene Garrett
Stephanie Hansen
Kora “KJ” Kresin
David Newman
Shirley Rackner
LaJune Thorson
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