This meeting is for the board to consider approving a contractual relationship with a land use-historic preservation attorney for potential actions regarding the Thompson Elk and Fountain. The contract is similar to the one approved for the RiverPlace Master Plan.
Because of the short timeline due to a framework set out by the 120-day demolition delay action taken by the city, every day is important. Hence this emergency meeting.
In the past, the DNA Board approved letters and testimony reflecting the position that urged restoration of both the elk and the fountain as a single work of public art, a beloved and iconic work of art. There is no change in that already approved position and there will be no impact on the DNA budget.
Time: Mar 18, 2022 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 926 361 5077
Passcode: 012749
By Phone:
+17207072699,,9263615077#,,,,012749# US (Denver)
+12532158782,,9263615077#,,,,012749# US (Tacoma)
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