During this meeting, the board will be asked to consider:
- approving a recommended motion from the Land Use / Transportation committee regarding an appeal for a River Place Master Plan project. This meeting is necessary because of the timing of a hearing on the project.
- approving changes to the administrator and signature authorities to the DNA checking account. These changes are imminent, and the bank requires evidence of board approvals.
This is a public meeting that is expected to be short.
- DNA Objective: improve the livability and character of Portland’s Downtown Neighborhood.
- DNA Goal: reach out, listen, and strive to represent the opinions and interests of the DNA residents, students, and employees.
- DNA standards of conduct: open, dignified, respectful, civil; separating business from personal; everyone will be heard, and their thoughts considered.
Time: May 6, 2022 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9263615077?pwd=RXBtL3FBL1pEYmtuK0JtSkZnSm1WUT09
Meeting ID: 926 361 5077
Passcode: 012749