During this meeting, the board will be asked to consider:

  1. approving a recommended motion from the Land Use / Transportation committee regarding an appeal for a River Place Master Plan project. This meeting is necessary because of the timing of a hearing on the project.
  2. approving changes to the administrator and signature authorities to the DNA checking account. These changes are imminent, and the bank requires evidence of board approvals.

This is a public meeting that is expected to be short.

  1. DNA Objective: improve the livability and character of Portland’s Downtown Neighborhood.
  2. DNA Goal: reach out, listen, and strive to represent the opinions and interests of the DNA residents, students, and employees.
  3. DNA standards of conduct: open, dignified, respectful, civil; separating business from personal; everyone will be heard, and their thoughts considered.


Time: May 6, 2022 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9263615077?pwd=RXBtL3FBL1pEYmtuK0JtSkZnSm1WUT09

Meeting ID: 926 361 5077

Passcode: 012749

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