Many DNA members have expressed interest in reporting and tracking issues in our city. Below is a list of resources as well as information and assistance to help resolve issues.
Camping, Trash and Abandoned Vehicles
Within the public right of way: PDX Reporter
On private property:
Dumped Garbage
RID Patrol: Report dumped garbage | Metro (
Repair Grant for Small Businesses
Local Small Business Repair Grant – Prosper Portland
Report Graffiti
The online report takes less than 5 minutes to complete. You must upload a picture. or call 311 to report
Free Graffiti Removal Kit
The kid includes cleaning solvent, gloves, safety glasses, cleaning rag, small nylon scraper, small bucket and a link to an instructional video. To request your kit, email
For graffiti on the face of traffic signs, report online or 311
Graffiti Removal Assistance
First submit a graffiti report. Second, complete the “graffiti removal service agreement” waiver and email to
Generally, the following entities qualify for assistance:
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to:
Margo Howell, DNA Safety & Livability Chair
Downtown Portland Clean & Safe is tracking visitor counts within our district on a monthly…
Twice a year, Downtown Portland Clean & Safe takes a deeper dive and looks at…