Ballot Measure 110: Challenges and Solutions
A Zoom Webinar (see registration below)
Thursday, December 14 at 3 pm
As you’ve read in the news, there’s a lot of discussion right now (and heading into the February legislative session) about Measure 110 and whether the law needs to be changed to address the fentanyl and methamphetamine crises we’re seeing play out in our city. To help inform central city residents and businesses, Neighbors West Northwest (NWNW), a coalition of eleven west side neighborhood associations, is bringing together a broad spectrum of experts in the field to delve into the pros and cons of Measure 110 and present solution ideas.
Forum leaders Vadim Mozyrsky, Chair of the Goose Hollow Foothills League, and NWNW Director Darlene Garrett are assembling a diverse panel of experts, each bringing a unique perspective to the table. The following individuals have committed to date:
Please register for the webinar through the link found below:
You will receive a follow-up email with a complete list of presenters. Questions will be taken beforehand from participants; please send your questions for the panelists to
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