This message is to announce a regular DNA Member and Board Meeting.
DNA Meeting Agenda
This is a Virtual, Zoom meeting. Zoom invitation appears at the end of this agenda. DNA Board members will have video and audio, but other attendees will not. Questions and comments can be raised via “chat” which will be answered as time allows.
DNA Objective: improve the livability and character of Portland’s Downtown Neighborhood.
DNA Goal: reach out, listen, and strive to represent the opinions and interests of the DNA residents, students, and employees.
DNA Standards of conduct: open, dignified, respectful, civil; separating business from personal; everyone will be heard, and their thoughts considered.
Executive Session will be at 5:00 pm due to scheduling issues.
In order to facilitate board review and approval of attorney items this evening, the executive session discussion is being rescheduled to begin at 5:00 pm rather than at the end of the DNA Member and Board meeting. Board members will meet in a separate, earlier Zoom session.
- The board will enter an executive session to discuss the DNA’s instructions to an attorney.
- Board of Directors executive session call to order.
- Executive session adjourned.
Members of the press who are interested may call 503-490-3907 to receive the Zoom link to this session. After completing this executive session, the board will enter the DNA Member and Board meeting at 6:00 pm using the Zoom link posted in the earlier email announcement.
General Membership Meeting, 6:00 pm
- Call to order
- There are no guest presentations this evening.
- Open forum for comments and suggestions
- Adjournment of General Membership Meeting
- The DNA’s Board Treasurer position will be open. This position has the responsibility to maintain a single checking account containing modest funds and at least three sub accounts. Interested DNA members are encouraged to contact Walt Weyler, 503-490-3907.
- The DNA’s and the DNA’s Land Use/Transportation chair position is open. This position leads the DNA’s activity to review and take positions on important physical property developments in our area. This is the basis on which Portland recognizes the DNA. This committee and its chair are important, recognized, and influential in Portland. Interested DNA members are encouraged to contact Walt Weyler, 503-490-3907.
Board of Directors Meeting
- Call to order and check quorum
- Proposed revised financial/accounting practices policy
- Web site and Social Media update – Steph Bairey
- Proposed record management policy
- NWNW liaison – Shirley Rackner and Darlene Garrett
- Land Use/Transportation report – Thomas Ray
- RiverPlace task force update – Thomas Ray and Diana Stuart
- Special projects – Wendy Rahm
- Willamette River Crossing
- Safety and Livability report – Margo Howell
- Small business liaison – Margo Howell
- Homelessness report – Darlene Garrett and David Dickson
- Treasurer’s report – Natasha Voloshina
- Air Quality report – Bob Wright
- Proposed letter regarding city offices – Kate Dickson
- New Business/Open Discussion, Comments
- Approval of February 22 and March 18, 2022 meeting minutes
- The next DNA membership and board Zoom meeting will be held at 6:00 PM on Wednesday April 26, 2022.
- DNA Member meeting adjourned.
Join Zoom Meeting
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