Charter Committee

Current Membership

The Charter Committee (CC) is currently not meeting.

Committee Purpose

The CC was formed in 2021 to learn about and report to the DNA on the work of the newly appointed city Charter Review Commission (CRC). The CRC’s work is to review the city’s charter (constitution) in order to recommend changes. During the two year term of the city-appointed commission, the CC will provide the DNA with regular reports on the CRC’s recommendations; formulate and suggest testimony given by the DNA to the CRC; and encourage DNA members’ understanding of needed charter changes with the goal of high voter turnout from our neighborhood when charter revisions are voted on.

Current Focus

The CC’s focus is to educate members about recommendations of Phase I which will be voted on in the November 2022, encourage them to be informed, and to vote.

Meetings and Procedures

This small committee focused on an exchange of information with members tracking the actual work of the CRC, responses from the League of Women Voters and the Portland City Club in order to understand decisions being made in the CRC, timelines, and next steps. Members also studied the underlying questions being looked at by the CRC and engaged with community members to understand their perspective.

Other Resources: