LUT Presenter Tips

Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, from 8:00-10:00 A.M. Meetings are occasionally cancelled or rescheduled, so check the calendar.

Meetings are usually held on zoom. Screen share will be available for short presentations. Come early to be sure that will work quickly.

If you are a member of a development team scheduled to present to the DNA LUT, here are a few questions that are commonly asked:

  • Ground Floor
    • What uses are intended to be included on the ground floor? How will these uses impact the pedestrian experience?
    • What kind of retail tenants might be included in the project (if any)? Might residents’ input on what is needed be prioritized?
    • Is there transparency to activate the streetscape?
  • Outdoor Uses
    • Will outdoor space be provided for the public or building occupants?
    • How might outdoor uses (rooftop terraces, etc.) impact immediate neighbors?
    • Are there noise considerations?
  • Transportation
    • Will the project include off-street parking and loading?
    • How will bike parking be provided?
  • Sustainability
    • How will the project remain flexible over time, to respond to changes in demanded uses?
    • Will any green building certification be pursued (LEED, etc.)?
    • Will the project include a green roof or/and solar?
    • What materials will be used on the exterior of the building? What other nearby buildings have featured these materials, and how have they weathered over time?
    • Is the building compatible with neighboring buildings?
    • What approach will be used for landscaping? Will native plants be considered?
    • Can existing mature trees be protected/preserved? Will any trees be removed during the course of the project? What trees will be planted?
    • Are potential bird strikes being considered?    Bird-safe windows?
    • How will potential glare (e.g. from glass walls) affect pedestrians? How could this be mitigated?
    • Are set-backs or step-backs from the sidewalk being considered (to mitigate the “canyon” effect, shadowing adjacent sidewalks)?
  • Residential (if applicable)
    • What unit types will be included? Square footage?
    • What diversity of household type and size will be accommodated by the unit mix?
    • Will any units be reserved as affordable housing, family housing, or restricted to certain populations?
    • How will long-term bike storage for residents be included?
  • Logistics
    • How will impacts from demolition and construction be mitigated?
    • How will transportation infrastructure be impacted during the project?

The LUT may recommend a position, with approval from the DNA Board, and may testify before the Design Commission, the Historic Landmark Commission, or other hearing bodies. Regardless, individual members of the DNA are encouraged to participate in the public process of development review.