The Homeless/Houseless Team (H/H Team) is seeking Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) Board approval of the following criteria for development of Safe Rest Villages or sanctioned camping areas within the DNA boundaries. Additionally, the H/H Team is seeking approval to represent the DNA in all discussions with the city related to homelessness. The H/H Team will keep the DNA Board informed on all issues related to houselessness, and seek Board approval for any final decisions, documents, or significant positions that must be taken by the DNA.

Conditions for Development

The DNA understands that the city of Portland is considering development of a Safe Sleep Village or a sanctioned camp to provide shelter for the houseless at 2300 Naito Parkway. The DNA’s support for camp development is based on the following conditions.

  1. A “Good Neighbor Agreement” is developed between the neighborhood association and the city and is in place prior to the development of the camp. The city commits to enforcing all aspects of the Good Neighbor Agreement that are applicable to them and the neighborhood will commit the same.
  2. The DNA is taken as a collaborative partner and is at the table from day one of planning and development of this project.
  3. Safe and sanitary space be allocated for our unsheltered neighbors downtown. Unsheltered campers currently living within DNA boundaries are given priority for becoming camp residents
  4. A restriction is in place to disallow ancillary camps within 150 feet of this sanctioned camp. Ancillary camps around the perimeter of this village must not be allowed.
  5. This camp will be developed with best practice strategies, and sanitation facilities are attached to city water and sewer lines.
  6. All conditions not defined in this document will be developed within the Good Neighbor Agreement.

Until we understand the next steps the city is going to take, we will gather feedback from people who live in the neighborhood and prepare to develop a vision of what an ideal best practice safe shelter village in this area should look like, should the city change their mind about utilizing this area for a Safe Sleep Area/Village/Camp.

Initial members of the Team organized to address this issue are DNA Board members LaJune Thorson and Stephanie Hansen, developer and Harbor of Hope founder Homer Williams, retired Mercy Corps executive Janice Yadin, The Strand resident Dick Teutsch, and H/H Team members Darlene Urban Garrett, Diane Odeh, and David Dickson, Mary Lucerno-Larson, representing American Plaza. The Team is looking to add additional stakeholders. These include but are not limited to more people with lived experience, as well as representatives from the International School, and businesses in the area.

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