Land-Use, Transportation, & Environment Committee

Current Membership

Committee Chair: Xavier D. Stickler

The Land Use & Transportation Committee (LUT) is composed of board-approved Downtown Portland Neighborhood Association (DNA) members. Board approval conveys the right to vote on proposals before the Committee. All LUT committee members are expected to sign a “conflict of interest” form and agree to the DNA’s Representation Policy. Current members are: Chair Xavier D. Stickler, Dean Barnett, Marian DeBardelaben, Thomas Ochinero, Dr. Tom Ray, Diana Stuart, and LaJune Thorson.

Committee Purpose

The purpose of the LUT is to review and provide advice on all land use and transportation decisions on behalf of the DNA. The committee recommends policies to be applied to the neighborhood and takes advisory positions on relevant issues affecting the neighborhood. Representing the DNA, the committee members attend hearings, meetings, project/planning committees, and advise public agencies in developing plans and studies.

Meetings and Procedures

The LUTE meets via digital teleconferencing on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday monthly, during morning hours. Join the DNA email list to get notifications and zoom information for each meeting.

In addition to providing updates on current land use and transportation proposals, many LUT meetings feature members of a development team presenting a proposal for the renovation or construction of a downtown building or City staff presenting a policy proposal. Presentations provide an opportunity for the committee and attendees to ask questions and provide feedback. Presentations also provide information to help attendees to participate in the public hearing process as development teams and City Staff seek approval from the Design Commission or the Historic Landmarks Commission or City Council. On behalf of the DNA, LUT drafts and sends letters on advisory positions on proposals and testifies on other policy matters, both with approval of the DNA Board, which may be retroactive to meet City-imposed deadlines.

Meetings provide an opportunity to share updates about ongoing projects, proposals and other land use and transportation initiatives and proposals. Many changes to transportation services and infrastructure are also presented and discussed, including long-range transportation planning.

These meetings are open to the public, and all are welcome to attend and participate in constructive discussion. If you would like to advocate that the DNA Board take a position on a proposed development, please email the committee chair. Please ensure that you are signed up for the DNA email list to receive additional LUT information and updates about any specially scheduled meetings.

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